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  • sarahtallon

Dorset Apple Cake

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

I have just got back from a week on the Dorset coast with my husband. I have never been before and we had a wonderful time exploring the county and trying out all the wonderful food.

We stayed in Lyme Bay which had an abundance of fresh seafood (scallops and crab) and there was a real focus in each restaurant menu on local food.

Every town we visited had at least 2 bakeries and I spent a long time ogling all the lovely fresh bread and pastries. Leakers Bakery in Bridport (below) where we tried their pasties. Delish! Perfect snack to take to the beach.

One of the cakes that I saw in almost every bakery and on the menu in every cafe was the Dorset Apple Cake. Leaker's bakery was established in 1914 and the granddaughter of the original owner still makes the apple cake today. She can bake up to 20 trays a week in peak season. The Dorset Apple Cakes that I saw were either made in a tray with a cinnamon crust or in a larger round cake style (spotted below in Bella's cafe). They can be made with either cooking or eating apples.

I bought a slice to investigate further (purely for research purposes of course!!!!). It was very moist and looked that it would be perfect warmed up with a dollop of cream/ice cream.

The portions are huge in the West Country!

Having looked online, this recipe by the Guardian looks the best one to try if you fancy making it at home. It would be a perfect desert after a Sunday roast.

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